Top 5 Tips for Athletes to Stay Motivated During COVID 19

The current COVID-19 situation has brought the world to its knees. Borders are sealed, and travel is banned, leading to the postponement of all major sporting events. The outbreak has undoubtedly been stressful for people in general. The fear and anxiety related to the disease can be overwhelming and cause strong negative emotions in adults … Read more

Ultrarunner, life coach, and Advocate for 22 to many, Charity for Veterans and their families affected by PTSD from Kirby Scott Ingles

Richard Oelberger excersise

Kirby Scott Ingles is a Certified Professional Coach & Speaker, Podcaster, Ultra Runner, Veteran, & Advocate. Kirby discusses using running to overcome injury modifications to adjust to the challenging sport of Ultra Running. He has since taken… You can listen to the full episode here

Know Why Telehealth Therapy is Essential During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Telehealth therapy platforms have exploded into sudden prominence in the light of the recent COVID-19 outbreak. The pandemic has positioned telehealth as a necessary tool in mental health care to facilitate the recommended isolation and social distancing practices. However, it has created challenges for some people, who need support for anxiety and clinical depression treatments, … Read more

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy- A Powerful Tool in Athletic Performance Enhancement

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can be used to help athletes in improving their performance by handling stress more effectively. A well applied cognitive behavioral approach has been found particularly helpful to athletes who may need more traditional clinical support for critical stress management, as well anxiety or clinical depression treatment. One CBT technique, also known … Read more

How To Find a Top Sports Psychology Consultant

There is a growing demand for sport psychology consultants to give that competitive edge among athletes and coaches. A sport psychology consultant helps athletes to overcome mental roadblocks and improve their overall performance. There are many different names that one can use for a person with expertise in sport psychology, such as- sports psychologists, performance … Read more

Gain Peak Performance Capability with Certified a Sport Psychology Consultant

No wonder, a fulfilled life is a dream of all and to reach that goal, having a positive view on life is a key ingredient. Still, we can’t deny the fact, people are surrounded by crises and worries and this has an impact on our mental as well as physical well-being. To reframe the life … Read more