As Memorial Day sets into the background and we honor those who have fallen in the name of our freedom and independence, we must now set our sites forward. The pressing challenges of continued school violence, explaining mental health, and educating about violence and prevention take the forefront of our collective psyches. As fathers, we have never been tested in such ways, as providers facing global conflict and a potential recession, we have unique challenges at our doorstep. Still, June welcomes Father’s day and the opportunity to celebrate and be celebrated. Can we really take time to honor ourselves or find new outlets for expression under such circumstances? After deep reflection, and amidst contemplation and healthy debate on appropriate change, the answer to the rhetorical question must be a yes, from an emotional well-being perspective.
Men need to be taking stock of their mental and physical health. While Father’s Day may serve as a token Hallmark holiday to many, it is a reminder to slow down and celebrate. One does not need to break the bank on the newest grill at Lowe’s (although toys can be fun and seem really attractive as time goes on!) in order to create moments of connection. That’s why this month, I am recommending that men embrace their own worth. Chose one thing you’d love to do for your own self-care and calendar the time. It does not need to belong and be monumental but choose one thing! Second, be creative, if it is something new, different, or something you’ve always wanted to try but never have, even better! Novelty and creativity stimulate happiness and give you something to talk to your friends or family about!
Lastly, honor your father. Living or not, allow yourself to take gratitude for what you have learned from your parents, reflect on the parent you want to be, and choose how you want to copy their path or make changes in your own unique way. Regardless, take time to journal, reflect by the fire, or meditate on what it means to be a father or on the gifts they have given you, even the unintended or accidental ones!
P.S. My gift to myself this Father’s Day is the release of my first book, “The Zero Method- Awaken the Hero Within”. Please pick up a copy and get one for the person you love this June as a token of love and appreciation that says, “As my ride or die, I love you enough to care for you for the long haul and to give you tools to help yourself grow!”. #author #father #fathersday #heroes #personalgrowth